Tuesday, February 25, 2025

 Hello Friends ,

Commencing MARCH 2025 

Wu Wei Tai Chi and Meditation has moved their live classes to Kyneton!

 The BLUE ACCORDION - 7 High St Kyneton VIC  3444

Please contact Sifu ANDY GREEN 0416149738 

to enroll in our Qi Gong Classes Commencing MARCH 2025 

 on Wednesdays evenings  7 pm 

1 hour live Classes are $15/$10 per person 

Zoom is also available so you can practise from the comfort of your own home ! 

For Zoom and one on one sessions  please register with  Sifu Andy 0416149738

HEALTH REQUIREMENTS - To keep our events safe, here are our health requirements for

 attendance: Do not attend if you are feeling sick or have closely been around someone who is



Wu Wei Tai Chi School is offering SOUNDHEALING with 

Kavisha Mazzella of Shenpen Soundhealing 

please call Kavisha on 0412893355 to make your appointment 

to reset your nervous system and help with chronic pain . 

                                    Sifu Andy Green with Soundhealer Kavisha Mazzella 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

                               Sifu Andy Green at  Woodford Folk FESTIVAL in Queensland ' 23 -24 

Thanks to all those who participated in the fantastic workhops in the Bazaar . 

 It's so great to share the spirit of Tai Chi together . 

WU WEI Tai Chi School in Melbourne 

Qi Gong Classes are available on ZOOM on Wednesday evenings 7pm Melbourne Time 

To register please contact Sifu Andy on his email andygreen555(at)yahoo.com.au

Fee  $18/$20

In Person Classes -Thursday 7.30pm at Saint Marks Community Church 100 Hodgkinson St Clifton Hill 

                                  Andy Green 0416149738

Friday, March 26, 2021



Hello Friends,

Wu Wei School has now moved to Yanchep ,West Australia 

We practise on Friday and Sunday Mornings  9 am -10am 

at Old Nursery Park  at 7 Yanchep beach Road Yanchep 

All welcome no matter your experience.

You can contact Sifu Andy  Green on our Facebook group Wu Wei School

You can email Andy on : andygreen555(at)yahoo.com.au

mobile ph: +61 (0)416149738

and you can also find us currently on Facebook 

WuWei School 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Wu Wei School Of Internal Martial Arts is OPEN

Tai Chi and Qi Gong class on Sat Morning 9 am -10:30 am with Andy Green

At 15 Wheeler St Castlemaine

For enquiries

please  call  Andy on 0416 149 738


Friday, November 11, 2016

Dear friends of Wu Wei,
unfortunately I have  had to close the school while I am working full time .With the extra travel, it's too difficult to also teach classes. I would encourage all those interested to go to a very experienced teacher , healer and friend of mine Gerard Menzel. He is  based in Carisbrook  and also teaches in the Castlemaine area.Thankyou to you all for coming to classes. I wish you well in your ever deepening understanding of the watercouse way ! I will let you know when the school reopens . Please visit my taichi brother's blogspot below.Thanks again . Best wishes Sifu Andy Green

Gerard Menzel of Wild Lotus Arts
0407734479   gmenzel@hotmail.com


"The highest form of goodness is like water.
Water knows how to benefit all things without striving with them
It stays in places loathed by all men.
Therefore it comes near the Tao.
In choosing your dwelling, know how to keep to the ground.
In cultivating your mind, know how to dive in the hidden deeps.
In dealing with others, know how to be gentle and kind.
In speaking, know how to keep your words.
In governing know how to maintain order.
In transacting business, know how to be efficient.
in making a move, know how to choose the right moment.
If you do not strive with others, you will be free from blame..."

 from Tao Te Ching -Shambala pocket classic translated by John C.H.Wu

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

August 9th 2016

Dear Friends,

Spring is just round the corner and with it comes change.

Just letting you know that Wu Wei Tai chi school is  closing and going underground

 for a while as I will be working fulltime with Wellways in Ballarat

 in my mental health and counselling work

so I will be practising informally and when ever time permits.

Keep practising. Be happy and may the Chi be with you!

 Sifu Andy Green

Monday, June 6, 2016

Hello friends, WINTER is here...the big tree is losing its leaves

and the buddha garden dojo has closed for the winter

WU WEI Tai Chi School will open again for classes in the Spring

Til then , be happy...

 and see you when the sun returns and the frost melts

yours in the Tao,

  Sifu Andy Green

Here are some lovely Winter Haikus from the well loved Japanese poet
 Matsuo Basho who lived from 1644 – 1694 
Winter Solitude
by Matsuo Basho
Winter solitude –
in a world of one colour
the sound of wind.

Winter Garden
by Matsuo Basho
Winter garden,
the moon thinned to a thread,
insects singing.

First Winter Rain
by Matsuo Basho
First winter rain –
even the monkey
seems to want a raincoat.

When the Winter Chrysanthemums Go
by Matsuo Basho
When the winter chrysanthemums go,
there’s nothing to write about
but radishes.